Support Center / Action Lists / How to display custom fields in your action list header?

How to display custom fields in your action list header?

Your TeamGuru administrator can create custom fields in the system, and you can choose to either display them or not in your action list header.

To display your custom fields, please go to your action list and enter edit mode. custom 4

Go to Project Definition Tab and scroll down to the Custom Field box.custom

Check the box if you want to display Custom fields. Enter the information needed. custom 2 

Please note that the custom field will be displayed in your action list header only when the information is completed, and the option is selected.

If the custom field is left blank / no option selected, the custom field title will not appear in your header (e.g., the 'Lessons Learned' field per the screenshot above). custom 3

Please contact your system administrator or in case you need a new custom field to be created.