How to set up a RCCA template
Standardize your RCCA documents across your company using a template. You can either use a system's "default template" that can be modified if needed or you can create & customize a new template(s). Please note sufficient rights are required.
Go to your Root Cause & Actions module and select RCCA Templates from the submenu.
Click the green Create new icon in the right upper corner to create a new template. To modify the existing template, you the edit pencil.
Define your template settings. Title, Responsible, etc.
Location can be selected for each template and that template will be displayed as a default template for the given structure. You can lock and Protect template settings in which case only the Responsible and Template Administrators will be able to make any modifications.
Choose which sections you would like to display/hide or choose Optional (so it's possible to choose on the RCCA document level).
Rename your titles as needed.
Help your team to understand what the field is intended for and enter the hint.
Select the Due date if it is required (it is optional).
The order of the sections can be changed using the drag and drop feature (the icon displays when hovering over the right side of the screen).
Use Save & Return green icon (on the top right corner).
While creating your RCCA document, you will be prompted to select your template.
You can use an advanced filter in your document list to see documents based on a specific template.
Please note that if some text is entered for a certain field in your RCCA document, it is transferred, even if you use another template where the title's area is named differently.