Support Center / Metric Dashboards / How to set up object groups

How to set up object groups

'Object Group' helps you to create your metric dashboards faster and easier.

You can predefine a group of objects composed of your organizational units, partners, actions, and others, or their combination.

Then you can add this object group (=list of org. units) to your dashboard with one click (instead of adding each unit separately).

Please note: At the moment, this object group is not behaving as a live group. Meaning, if you make any modifications to your object group, the change will not be automatically applied to your dashboards. However, we plan to add this functionality in the future. 

To create a new Object Group, your account needs to be set up with a sufficient role.

1. Click the Metric Dashboards module and select Object Groups from the submenu.object

2. Add a new object group by clicking the green plus icon in the right upper corner.create new
3. Complete Title and click the green plus button to Add Object.

 object 1   

4. Make a selection of objects and locations.

object 3 

This is an example of a combined Object Group including org. unit, action list, and product. object 4


5. Once the group is created, you will be able to use it in a dashboard.

Click the green plus button to Add Object to your dashboard.  object 5

Select the Object* and the specific group in the submenus. Click Add  (your objects will be added to your dashboard).

 object 6object


Save your dashboard's settings.

 save and return