Support Center / Admin Topics / What is user verification and how it works.

What is user verification and how it works.

User verification process is a regular check that a user is still with the company. It was setup to keep the system secure and actual. Users are asked to be verified regularly after a certain period (usually set up for 1 year, but can be modified, if needed). User verification process can be successfully finished only if the user has valid email address in his profile.


User verification consists of the following actions:

  1. Once you log in  your TG instance you get the information “Verification required”
  2. Click on the button „Email me a verification code“ 
  3. Verification code will be sent to your mail box
  4. You can either click on “Verification Link” or copy the “Verification code” and insert into “Verify & Login”  field                
  5. You can also decide to complete your verification later
  6. If you choose this option, please remember to complete the verification in time, otherwise system will automatically log you out and block your account, if the verification is not finished. 
  7. Time left for verification can be seen in red box in the top baruser verification 5
  8. User administrators can check and filter users according to verification statususer verification 6
  9. There are following icons in “Verified” column
  • Keys means, that the user will be verified at next loginuser verification - keys
  • Sandglass means, that the verification process is ongoinguser verification - sandglass
  • Yellow triangle means, that verification was not finished successfully and the user account was blockeduser verification - triangel
  • Green tick means, that verification was completed successfullyuser verification - green