Support Center / Metric Dashboards / How to create a new metric - Basic Settings

How to create a new metric - Basic Settings

Creating a metric in the system requires sufficient access. To keep the metrics standardized across your company, it is good to agree internally on the name of the metric and its purpose. This will ensure that everyone can understand and use the correct metric(s).

Please note that we recommend contacting your system administrator in case you need to create a new metric. 

To create a new metric follow the steps below:

1. Go to Metrics Dashboards and select Metrics in the submenu.

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2. Click the Add icon to add a new metric. 


3. Fill in the metric definition in the Basic Settings section:

  • Select the metric Group
  • Fill in the Title of the metric (will be visible in your dashboards)
  • You can add metric Labels - you can either use an existing label or create a New Label. The metric label will be displayed in all dashboards where the particular metric is being used. You can also select for which part of the organization this metric label will be used.
  • Select the Data type (Number, Percentage, Date, Yes/No metric, or Text metric)

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  • Choose "Yes" if you want to enable units conversion
  • You can choose Scale  (for thousands, millions, etc) if needed
  • Fill in the measurement Unit (symbols or abbreviation eg. $, €, USD..) 

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  • Protect Metric and its settings  - if you tick the box, only selected metric administrators will be able to edit the metric's settings. 

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  • Valid range of values  - you can define minimum and maximum value for each time period so users will not be allowed to add lower and higher datas than defined

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  • Background color - type of metrics can be negative, positive or exact value.
  • Chosing by Simple Color Coding Mode, then you specify if the values should be compared to the Plan or to the Forecast values. Please note that if you have priority set up as Forecast, but you enter only Plan values, the field will be automatically compared to the Plan values.  
  • Chosing by Advanced Color Coding Mode you can customize your own metric color coding according to the defined conditions

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Besides the metric's basic settings, you can also set up additional rules in the other tabs.


Video Guide: How to create a new metric


Related Video Guide: Enable Unit Conversion       Metric's Definition & Related documents