Support Center / Action Lists / Select a Project Type and Project Stage

Select a Project Type and Project Stage

Set up your A3 project (action list) with the project type and project stage. 

Go to the Action list's setting using edit pencil.Project 1

Scroll down to the 'Settings' Tab and choose a Project type and/or List of Project Stages from the submenu. You will be able to select among existing options.

Please note: To create a new project type, list of project stages, or add a project stage in the list, please contact your system administrator or

If you have sufficient rights, please follow these links to learn how to set up a new project stage and new project typeautomatic project 4 

To set up your Project stage, go to the "Project Definition" tab and select from the submenu. Here you will find options set up in the List of project stages.  automatic project2 

Please note when you set up your project with project type and/or project stage, you will be able to create automatic project dashboards based on these criteria.